Shawarma Burger
A Middle Eastern delicacy Chicken Shawarma in the form of a Burger. Chicken marinated, roasted ,shredded and mixed with garlic sauce ,loaded with french fries and stacked as a Burger.
Servings Prep Time
6servings 25minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
6servings 25minutes
Cook Time
  1. Marinate the chicken with the ingredients under “marination” for 2 hours.
  2. Cook /grill the chicken ,Here I have Airfried @200 c for 15 minutes.
  3. In a bowl add the shredded chicken,shredded lettuce , garlic paste and mix well..
  4. Take a burger bun slice into half and toast it,then spread the garlic paste ,Top with Lettuce ,chicken mix ,pickled vegetables,french fries and top with bun..
  5. If preparing cheesy shawarma , top with cheese slice on top of chicken mix and melt in microwave it for 30 sec .