Chicken Shawarma
Servings Prep Time
4person 15minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4person 15minutes
Cook Time
  1. marinate the chicken for hours or better overnight 4
  2. marinate the chicken and grill it
  3. slice the chicken and keep aside
French Fries
  1. cut the potatoes into long thick strips then add to the boiling water and cook half done then remove strain it and freeze it.
  2. take out of freezer keep for 2 mins and fry it when chill this gives crispness to the fries
To assemble
  1. Take the kubbos spread the garlic paste then (I have added the cabbage , carrot ,capsicum to give crunchy tasty) then add chicken slices , French fries , jalapenos again a dash of garlic paste and roll it tightly