Ingredient: turmeric powder

Breaded Prawn Wrap

Crispy breaded prawn wrapped in a whole wheat tortillas with spicy mayo and lettuce.. Prawns are always favourite in our house whether as biriyani ,gravy or fried ..I usually try wraps with chicken .its easy to prepare and have it...

Chicken Roast

chicken Roast

These chicken Roast are semi dry gravy cooked in a kerela style with small onion and curry leaves with shallow fried chicken. chicken roast are always my family favourite...I always prefer doing these type of semi dry gravy rather than...

Rosemary Chicken Fry

Rosemary Chicken Fry

Bored of Usual chicken fry then you should try these Rosemary chicken fry.Its an easy recipe with less ingredient and gives a different flavour to the chicken...we usually add this herb in italian cuisines but here am adding it to...

Thattukada Chicken Fry

This Thattukada Chicken fry is a one of the street food recipe.This is spicy chicken fry marinated with roasted spices then cooked and deep fried that add flavor to it. Bored of usual chicken fry then you should try this...